Vacation Rentals Enhance the Neighborhood
By William May
Published: 08/15/12
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Drive down most any neighborhood today and you may see a difference from a decade ago.
In that time, especially in recreational areas such as ski resorts, ocean and beach areas, lakes and mountains there is a new vibrancy. The change is even visible in many city and suburban destinations and all for a reason that some in the neighborhood feared.
Vacation Rentals have gone from being common only in resort areas such as Hawaii, the Caribbean, ski areas and beach communities to having become mainstream in just about every corner of the world, every country, every city and every neighborhood.

They are especially welcome in neighborhoods where tourism supports the local economy and pays the bills. The hotel industry has continued to grow but, according to some experts, vacation rentals have grown at an inspiring 30% for the past decade. And why not?
Second Home owners are a well meaning lot. They buy their places intending to visit often, for extended periods, to bring family and gift to friends. It’s a great deal but many owners soon realize they have other things to do too. On average, a second home owner stays just 20 days per year in their dream home.
Prior to the Vacation Rental Boom, these homes sat quiet, empty and forlorn when the master and mistress of the home were not in residence. In controlled neighborhoods rules required lawns be mowed, and garbage be taken in. But in some areas, it is common to see 90% of the homes sitting dark and foreboding most of the year.
The idea on the internet started slowly enough - why not share your home with paying guests, when not in residence. Of course, earning rents sounded like a good idea. But having guests causes the house to spring to life. Guests turn on the lights, use the pool, toast marshmallows around the fire, or in winter snuggle around the fireplace.
Most vacation home renters are families anxious to spend time with their children, adult siblings and maybe even grandpa and grandpa. Multi-general uses are common and this too benefits the home. It brings new people to the community, some of whom become intrigued to buy a home there for themselves.
The old saw that vacation rentals are for "parties" was never true and isn't true today. Along with Internet growth, a stable of professional management companies has arisen who require credit cards, deposit systems, written contracts, strong rules and regulations. These pros are close at hand to serve the guests, maintain the property and answer to the neighbors.
Smart communities have seen fit to set reasonable regulations for vacation rental homes such as limiting occupancy and vehicles, requiring quiet hours and an onsite manager. Smart owners embrace regulations to keep neighbors happy. And smart neighbors appreciate a community that is alive with children, smiles and families having fun.
Long-term rental tenants sometimes fail to maintain homes in good condition. Short-term vacation rental owners must keep homes up to snuff to attract guests, and with higher rental income they have the money to do so.
Communities that prohibit rentals outright are finding courts disagree with them because doing so eliminates a basic right - to rent property as the owner sees fit. Knowing vacation rentals have been shown to be good neighbors the move to regulated responsible rentals is the only method that addresses the needs of all concerned.
Vacation Rentals are a boom for local businesses, help home values rise and introduce a brand new traveler to the area - the traveler who today demands a vacation rental home for longer stays, when bringing family and when hoping to savor the destination for all it has to offer.
In addition to Vacation Rentals the Internet's new "Sharing Economy" stands to subtlety change many other aspects of how people live their lives.
Going to a grand hotel for grand service will never go away. Stopping for a quick night at a convenient motel makes long trips easier. And now Vacation Rentals allow property owners to share their homes with responsible guests. It lights up the neighborhood, keeps home in good condition and shows the communities hospitality.
Author: William May – Volunteer, Vacation Rental Association
Blog #: 0234 – 08/15/12